Next Steps

Welcome to ALC!

At ALC we believe in creating a space where people can authentically experience God, discover their gifts and use them for His glory. Here are some steps that will help you get plugged in!

Step 1: Stay Connected

Our monthly e-newsletter is a great way to stay connected with what's going on at ALC. Fill out the form below and stay informed! The newsletter will arrive in your inbox at the beginning of each month.

Step 2: Get to Know Us

Attend the next ALC Connect lunch to learn more about us! During this lunch you will meet the pastors and elders, learn about our history and vision, and have an opportunity to ask questions.

Fill out the form below and we will let you know when the next ALC Connect is scheduled!

Step 3: Build Relationships

Be encouraged throughout the week by joining one of our Life Groups! They are a great way to build deeper relationships and grow in faith.

Step 4: Serve with Others

Serving is a great way to get to know others and build God's kingdom. There is a place for everyone to serve here at ALC! Fill out the form below and we will make sure you get plugged into the right ministry for you.